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Can Food Affect The Color Of Your Teeth?

Posted on 10/15/2023 by Irvine Dentistry
Close-up of white teeth without staining at Irvine DentistryTeeth consist of enamel, a hard tissue that offers protection against injury and cavities. It also gives the teeth a white color. Unfortunately, the enamel can encounter chips and cracks due to the daily consumption of acids and hard items.

Wearing down of this tissue exposes the dentin, which is pale yellow. Hence, yellowing of the teeth may result from enamel damage. Certain foods can also stain your teeth. For instance, items containing tannin or chemical compounds can change the color of your teeth. Here are 3 items that can stain your teeth:


Berries contain antioxidants, which reduce the risks of gum disease and cavities. Unfortunately, they have staining properties. Fruits such as blackberries and blueberries are high in acidity, which increases the risks of enamel damage. Whether you consume them whole or as juice, berries can change the natural color of your teeth.

However, this does not mean that you should avoid berries. Rinsing your mouth with water can help to keep the discoloring effect under control. In addition, milk can help to neutralize acids in the mouth to avoid enamel damage.


Coffee is a favorite drink for many people. Some take it every morning, while others view it as a drink to keep them energized the entire day. Despite this, coffee can discolor your teeth. It contains tannins, which are the leading factors of stained teeth. In addition, it is highly acidic. This means that it can destroy the enamel, causing stains.


Like coffee, wine contains tannin, which increases the risk of staining. Its acidity also damages the enamel, which allows other staining substances to harm your white teeth. Luckily, you can prevent these items from staining your teeth by implementing tips such as using a straw or limiting your intake of wine and coffee.

Eating crunchy fruits and vegetables is also important. It increases saliva flow, which acts as a natural teeth whitener. Contact us and learn more about how to preserve your white teeth.
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