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Complementary Tips for Eating with Dentures

Posted on 1/15/2024 by Weo Admin
Senior woman enjoying her food and coffee.Your dentist may recommend dentures to replace several missing teeth. These artificial teeth can help restore oral functions, including speaking, biting, and chewing. However, getting used to them requires time and practice. You may have challenges eating with dentures during the first few days after getting them. Your dentures may slip out, or food may get stuck underneath. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your dental dentures while eating.

Bite Food with the Side Teeth (Premolars)

When biting food, avoid using the front teeth since your dentures might slip off. Instead, use the side teeth. The side teeth or premolars are more stable and unlikely to get out of position.

Eat Soft Foods

Eat soft and easy-to-chew foods to keep your dentures intact. Solid foods can delay healing and damage your dentures. Also, avoid hot drinks and spicy foods as they might irritate your gums. Recommended soft foods to eat with dentures include smoothies, scrambled eggs, and pureed soups.

Cut Your Food into Smaller Pieces

As you work your way to solid foods, cut them into tiny, chewable bits. It is easier to chew smaller pieces of food. They reduce the burden on your mouth and make swallowing easy and stress-free. Eating smaller portions also helps with digestion.

Chew Slowly

When eating, chew your food slowly. This will keep your dentures intact as you practice getting used to them. It also helps prevent indigestion and constipation.

Use Denture Adhesive

Denture sealants might be necessary if your dentures feel loose or constantly slip out of place. Adhesives keep your dentures stable and in position. You can obtain denture adhesives from our dental clinic.

Contact Us Today

Eating with dentures requires time for you to get used to them. We are here to answer all your questions about denture treatments. Call our dental office today to learn more tips on how to adjust your dentures and improve your oral health.
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